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IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter

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일반적으로, 매우 충족합니다. 양심에 모두 싸여집니다. 물건 선별에서 신속한 대답을 위해 판매자에게 당신에게 감사하세요. 상품의 품질에 대해서 말하자면, 어떤 냄새가 있고 값이 싸 어떤 느낌이 있습니다. 모든 것은 잘 충분히 합니다. 전화는 명백한 소리가 큽니다.

—— 알렉산더

Хороший мультиметр с вполне приемлемой точностью и хорошим функционалом. Щупы толстые, мягкие, с низким сопротивлением. Правда сам металлический кончик уж очень маленький - порядка 2мм., как то несколько не удобно. В целом всё хорошо.

—— 마리아

구이트 프로듀크테, 즈우베르라스시게르 베르카우퍼, 크런던서비스 전쟁 상부, 알레 메이네 프라겐 우르덴 슈넬 beantwortet.wurde 치 auf 제덴 가을 웨이터 엠프페하렌.

—— 야닉

우수한 멀티 미터, 법안, 정확하게, 25mA 방식, 빌드 품질에서, 1.7 mÅ 위의 전환이 좋은 전류 소모, 점잖게 방식 스위치를 운영하는 스위치. 오브는 마이너스, 전원은 9V입니다,와 입맛을 돋우 전환할 때

—— 나타샤 산티에스테반

매우 상등품과 완전한 멀티 미터. 이 가격에 대해 아무것도 이것을 앞지를 수 없습니다! 주문으로부터의 4 일 배달. 나는 최대로 충족합니다! 추천 상품, 추천된 판매! 당신에게 감사하세요

—— 페르난도 로드리구에아

제가 지금 온라인 채팅 해요

IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter

IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter
IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter

큰 이미지 :  IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter

제품 상세 정보:
원래 장소: 중국
브랜드 이름: VICTOR
인증: CE
모델 번호: 빅터 79A
결제 및 배송 조건:
최소 주문 수량: 1 PC
가격: USD220/pc
포장 세부 사항: 10 PC / 통 ; 통 사이즈 : 39.5*38.5*26cm ; 12KG/carton
배달 시간: 5 내지 30 일
지불 조건: 전신환, 웨스턴 유니온, L/C (신용장), 페이팔
공급 능력: 이용 가능한 3000 PC

IP65 Process VICTOR Digital Multimeter

색: 파랑과 검정 사이즈: 206*97*60mm
상품 이름: 절차 멀티 미터 재료: 플라스틱, 금속, 실리칼 겔
패킹 세부 사항: 6 PC / 통 ; 통 사이즈 : 39.5*38.5*26cm 정확성: 0.5% 정확도
보증: 1년이요 중량: 대략. (배터리를 포함하여) 600 G

절차 빅터 디지털 Multimeter


IP65 빅터 디지털 Multimeter


IP65 절차 멀티 미터

VICTOR 79A Digital Multimeter 2 In 1 4-20mA Signal Output Multimeter Process Signal Source 50MΩ 100KHz RTD RSKEJTNB Cu50 Pt100


Basic feature

  • An industrial tool combined DMMS and process signal source for on-spot maintenance.
  • Double color plastic shell to meet IP65 dustproof and waterproof grade, and can be used in harsh environment.
  • Complies with 600V CAT.IV, 1000V CAT.III safety standard.
  • Basic feature of input measurement
    • Measurement functions include: AC voltage, DC voltage, AC current, DC current, Ohms, capacity, continuity, diode, frequency, RTD, TC.
    • The displayed reading of measured voltage, resistance and diode is 5500 bytes, and the basic accuracy is 0.1%.
    • The displayed reading of measured current is 55000 bytes, and the basic accuracy is 0.1%.
    • Measurement speed ratio: 20 times / second for fast, and 5 times/ second for slow.
    • True measured AC value, measurement bandwidth: 45Hz~400Hz
  • Selectable manual or auto range, measurement value held displays.
  • relative value measurement(REL_%)
  • Basic feature of output measurement
  • Max accuracy of output can reach 0.2%, and the output display is 5-digit.
  • Output function: DC voltage, DC current, Ohms, frequency, RTD, TC , SIMULATE function analog transmitter .
  • displays mA and % value simultaneously and provide 25% and 100% manual-step, auto-step and auto-ramping output function when outputting DC current
  • Built-in 24V loop circuit.
  • Loop test function
  • Provide 24V loop circuit and measure current simultaneously.
  • Built-in 24V loop circuit and loop current measurement
  • Built-in and selectable 250 Ω HART loop resistance and loop power supply, easy for HART communication equipment, without carrying load resistance and power.
  • Built-in temperature transmitter, auto cold-compensation, and display in ℃ or ℉.
  • Large LCD of double show, with white backlight.
  • The meter employs panel calibration technique, connects to standard device, undertakes panel calibration operation according to set range, and saves relevant calibrated data, fulfills the periodic calibration work stipulated by the meter to ensure the accuracy and performance.
  • Battery door, which is convenient to replace batteries and fuse.
  • The meter can supply power with four 5th alkaline batteries or Nimh batteries in the battery case, or use the adaptor to supply.
  • Other functions: auto power shut off, auto backlight shut, low electrical test, temperature unit setting ect.


Technical index of measurement functions

[adapt to one year after calibration 23℃±5℃,20~70% RH,accuracy=±(% settings + bytes)]

measurement function range measurement range resolution accuracy remark

DC voltage


50mV -55.00mV~55.00mV 0.01mV 0.1%+4 Input resistance: about 100MΩ
500mV -550.0mV~550.0mV 0.1mV 0.1%+4
5V -5.500V~5.500V 0.001V 0.1%+4 Input resistance: 10MΩ
50V -55.00V~55.00V 0.01V 0.1%+4
500V -550.0V~550.0V 0.1V 0.1%+4
1000V -1000V~1000V 1V 0.1%+4

AC voltage


5V 0~5.500V 0.001V 0.5%+4

Input resistance: 10MΩ <100pF


10%~110% range

50V 0~55.00V 0.01V 0.5%+4
500V 0~550.0V 0.1V 0.5%+4
1000V 0V~750V 1V 0.5%+4



500Ω 0~550.0Ω 0.1Ω 0.1%+4

test current: <0.8 mA

open-circuit voltage: <2.5V

5KΩ 0~5.500KΩ 0.001KΩ 0.1%+4
50KΩ 0~55.00KΩ 0.01KΩ 0.1%+4
500KΩ 0~550.0KΩ 0.1KΩ 0.1%+4
5MΩ 0~5.500 MΩ 0.001MΩ 1%+4
50MΩ 0~55.00 MΩ 0.01MΩ 1%+4

DC current


50mA -55.000mA~55.000mA 0.001mA 0.1%+5

Voltage Drop

<1.8 mV/mA

response time: ≤1S

500mA -500.00mA~500.00mA 0.01mA 0.1%+5

AC current


50mA 0.000mA~55.000mA 0.001mA 0.5%+10

Voltage Drop

<1.8 mV/mA

response time: ≤3S

500mA 0.00mA~500.00mA 0.01mA 0.5%+10



10Hz 0~9.9999Hz 0.0001Hz 0.02%+4  
100Hz 0~99.999Hz 0.001Hz 0.02%+4  
1000Hz 0~999.99Hz 0.01Hz 0.02%+4  
10kHz 0~9.9999kHz 0.0001kHz 0.02%+4  
100kHz 0~99.999kHz 0.001kHz 0.02%+4  

duty ratio


  0.1%~99% 0.1% 1%  



2V   0.0001V 1%+10  

Continuity test


500Ω   0.1Ω ≤100ΩBB  


Thermal couple


R -40°C~1760°C 1°C



Employ ITS-90 temperature standard

Errors for cold-end compensation is excluded in the accuracy

Errors for Thermoelectric potential is excluded in the accuracy

S -200°C~1760°C
B 400°C~1800°C
K -200°C~1350°C



E -200°C~700°C
J -200°C~950°C
T -200°C~400°C
N -200°C~1300°C

Resistance temperature


Cu50 -50°C~150°C 1°C 0.5%+3°C

Employ Pt100-385 temperature standard.

Measured current: about 0.8mA.

Open circuit voltage: about 2V.

Wire resistance is excluded in the accuracy.

Pt100 -200°C~850°C



10nF 0~11.00nF 0.01nF 5%+50  
100nF 0~110.0nF 0.1nF 5%+5
1000nF 0~1100nF 1nF 5%+5
10µF 0~11.00µF 0.01uF 5%+5
100µF 0~110.0µF 0.1uF 5%+5
1000µF 0~1100µF 1uF 5%+50
10mF 0~11.00mF 0.01mF 5%+50
100mF 0~110.0mF 0.1mF 5%+50

Simulate output function [adapt to one year after calibration 23℃±5℃,20~70% RH,accuracy=±(% settings + bytes)]

measurement function range Output setting range resolution accuracy remark

DC voltage


100mV -10.00~110.00mV 10μV 0.2%+4 Max output current: 0.5mA
1000mV -100.0~1100.0mV 100μV 0.2%+4 Max output current: 2mA
10V -1.000~11.000V 1mV 0.2%+4 Max output current: 5mA

DC current


30mA 0.000~33.000mA 0.001mA 0.2%+4

20mA max load 1KΩ

30mA max load 600Ω

simulate transmitter


-30mA 0.000~-33.000mA 0.001mA

Loop power


24V     ±10% Max output current: 35mA



400Ω 0.0Ω~400.0Ω 0.1Ω 0.2%+4

Simulate current is±0.5~3mA

When simulate current is±0.1~0.5mA,add additional 0.1Ω error.

wire resistance is excluded in the accuracy

Thermal couple


R 0°C~1767°C 1°C



Employ ITS-90 temperature standard.

Errors for cold-end compensation is excluded in the accuracy.


S 0°C~1767°C
B 600°C~1820°C
K -200.0°C~1372.0°C 0.1°C



E -200.0°C~1000.0°C
J -200.0°C~1200.0°C
T -250.0°C~400.0°C
N -200.0°C~1300.0°C

Resistance temperature


PT100 -0200.0~0850.0 0.1°C 0.2%+0.6°C

Employ Pt100-385 temperature standard

±1mA simulate current

wire resistance is excluded in the accuracy

Cu50 -050.0~150.0



100Hz 1.0Hz~110.0Hz 0.1Hz 0.2%+2

square wave

50% duty ratio


1KHz 0.100KHz~1.100KHz 1Hz 0.2%+2
10KHz 1.0KHz~11.0KHz 0.1KHz 0.2%+2



Technical Data 


Project VICTOR 79 VICTOR 79A
Measurement DC voltage Range ±400V ±1000V
The highest
0.01mV 0.01mV
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.1%
AC voltage Range 400V 750V
The highest
0.1mV 0.1mV
Basic accuracy 0.5% 0.5%
Resistance Range 40MΩ 50MΩ
The highest
0.1Ω 0.1Ω
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.1%
DC current Range ±400mA ±500mA
The highest
10uA 1uA
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.1%
AC current Range 400mA 500mA
The highest
10uA 1uA
Basic accuracy 0.5% 0.5%
Thermocouple Range R,S,B,E,K,J,T,N R,S,B,E,K,J,T,N
The highest
1°C 1°C
Basic accuracy 0.5% 0.5%
RTD Range Cu50,Pt100 Cu50,Pt100
The highest
1°C 1°C
Basic accuracy 0.5% 0.5%
CAP Range N/A 100mF
The highest
Basic accuracy 5%
Frequency 10Hz~100kHz 10Hz~100kHz
Diode test
Continuity beeper
Data hold
Relative value measurement
Source DC voltage Range -10.00mV~110.00mV
Resolution 0.01mV,0.1mV 0.001mV,0.01mV,0.1mV
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.2%
Resistance Range 0~400.0Ω 0~400.0Ω
Resolution 0.1Ω 0.1Ω
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.2%
DC current Range 22mA 33mA
Resolution 0.001mA 0.001mA
Basic accuracy 0.2% 0.2%
Simulating transmitter
25%,100%Step output
Automatic ramp
Automatic step
Display current and % of span
Loop power 15V 24V
Frequency 1.0Hz~11.0kHz 1.0Hz~11.0kHz
Thermocouple R,S,B,E,K,J,T,N R,S,B,E,K,J,T,N
RTD Cu50,Pt100 Cu50,Pt100
Loop detection The 24V loop power supply and measuring the current N/A
Built in 250 Ω
HART loop resistance
Power Supply 4×1.5V AAA Alkaline battery 4×1.5V AA Alkaline battery
Auto Power-off
Safety CAT Ⅲ 600V,
Pollution degree 2
CAT Ⅲ 600V,
Pollution degree 2
Size 205×95×42 206×97×60
Weight About 500g About 500g
Accessories Test line, manual,fuse Test line, manual,fuse
Standard Quantity Per Carton 10pcs 10pcs
Standard Carton Measurement 395mm*385mm*260mm 395mm*385mm*260mm
Standard Carton Cross Weight 10.2Kg 12Kg


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